A Doctor's Journey to Fasting
/Dr. D’Ambrosio before fasting
Recently, we received an email from a physician, Dr. Paul D'Ambrosio. After years of struggling with his weight and blood sugar and all of the related health complications, he stumbled across Dr. Fung's book, The Diabetes Code, which prompted an inquisition into Dr. Fung's other books. After reading The Obesity Code and Life in the Fasting Lane, Dr. D'Ambrosio started with a simple 17/7 fast and saw amazing results.
Dr. D’Ambrosio after fasting
In Dr. D'Ambrosio's email, he details his struggles, missteps, medications, and finally his steps to success. His struggle is relatable, but so is his solution. Dr. D'Ambrosio makes it clear in his email that he hasn't had to sacrifice all of the delicious foods that he loves in order to achieve his current state of health and wellness. He is proof that it is possible to "have it all" with dedication, balance, and of course—fasting!
With Dr. D’Ambrosio’s permission, we’ve reposted his email below. Take a look at what he shared with us—we promise it will leave you better informed and more motivated!
Dear Dr. Fung,
My name is Dr. Paul D'Ambrosio. I am a 57 year old internist in
Massachusetts. I got married at 35 years old (22 years ago
today) and 307 pounds. But I would say I carried it well (HaHa)! 2
years into my marriage and before any kids I became polyuric and checked
my blood to find a sugar of 300+. I panicked. I saw the nutritionist,
joined the gym and lost 60 or so pounds and got into terrific shape. My
sugars and A1c went to normal and my Cholesterol dropped to about 120.
Then came kids and a busy work schedule and some amazing trips around
the world to some amazing culinary places like Hong Kong and Paris and
my weight drifted up to 280 or so. I buckled down and got to a steady
state of between 240 and 250 (I'm 5'8").
My diet didn't improve much and my weight flattened out but over the
years the sugar drifted up and I started Metformin. Then I maxed out.
Then I started Victoza and maxed out. Then I added Farxiga and maxed
out. Then 2 1/2 years ago I had a STEMI and 4 stents. Luckily, there
was no Troponin bump and my myocardium was preserved. I was on
Lisinopril, Plavix, Metoprolol, ASA, and my Endocrinologist gave up and
ordered Tresiba.
By the end of last year my weight was still 245 but my glucoses were in
the mid-200s. I had resigned myself to an early demise and was
frantically putting money away (on an internist's salary) to put 2 kids
through college and leave my wife with enough to get by. I was becoming
defeatist and dejected. All the while I was towing the party line with
my patients on calories in/calories out etc. I could barely even look
at my Dexcom which was buzzing all the time with overlimit (270) readings.
Somehow, I saw your book, The Diabetes Code. It was either the Wall
Street Journal or the Costco magazine. And I ordered it.
I think I read the Diabetes Code twice in a week and was full of
emotions. I was embarrassed that I was a physician and was giving all
the advice that I knew was wrong. I was mad that I had not thought this
through before. I was also elated to see a clear path. I have read a
lot about nutrition and various fads. I read "Fit for Life" and "The
Primal Diet" and I have reviewed Keto and Atkins and Nutrisystem and
everything else. My good friend is a weight loss surgeon and has tried
to sell me on bypasses and my other friend is in charge of medical
weight loss at a local clinic and has a diet plan for me.
None of them seemed reasonable or sustainable.
After I gobbled up (pun intended) the Diabetes Code, I read the Complete
guide to Fasting and then the Obesity Code. The I even read Life in the
Fasting Lane. My wife, a Filipina who has never weighed more than 120
pounds, looked through the recipes and the concepts and worked with me.
Then I started. Slowly at first. I only ate between noon and about 7.
I was not fully versed however and while I only ate between noon and 7,
I continuously ate between noon and 7. Between lunch and dinner I picked
on "healthy stuff" but still I was picking. Still my weight started
dropping and my sugars dropped dramatically. After finishing the 4
books, I stopped eating between meals. My meals are full and healthy
with some junk in there but I don't eat at all between meals.
My sugars dropped so much that I gave up the Tresiba entirely and cut
the Metformin in half. My BP dropped so much that I cut the Lisinopril
from 20 mg to 5 mg and cut out the Metoprolol altogether. I hit 220 for
the first time in 25 years.
As you can imagine, people began noticing though the Covid shutdown
limited interactions. I started buying your books and giving them to
family and recommending them to friends. My pants which were a 42 went
to a 40 then 38 then 36 and now 34 so quickly that I didn't even get a
chance to wear some of them. My shirts went from XXL to L
As I matured in the fasting lane, I started doing weekly 36 to 60 hour
fasts. I eat either 2 meals a day or one meal a day. My meals are
generally very good and my wife has really partnered with me to cut my
carbs and increase my good fats and proteins.
I rarely pick but I do eat some fun stuff occasionally for dessert!
This morning, I stand at 195 pounds. I have not been there since college.
My A1c is 6.0, My Total Cholesterol is 79 (I am on Atorvastatin by
protocol). My urine microalbumin is negligible (near and dear to you I'm
sure) and my creatinine which drifted up to 1.5 is down to 1.0.
I do not take Metformin and have cut my dose of Victoza by a third. I
still take the Jardiance (insurance changed me from Farxiga).
My patients all assume I am either sick or had gastric bypass. I take
the time to educate them if they are interested and I recommend your
websites and books to all of them.
It would not be dramatic for me to say that your books saved my life and
showed me a better way. I am truly grateful to you and your methods. I
am happy and proud again. I have a much better chance of seeing my kids
graduate from college even if I can't afford it. I am riding a bike
again and walking a little daily. My sleep apnea has almost disappeared
but I am keeping the CPAP.
I just want you and your team to know how much it means to me what you
have done for me and, by extension, my patients, without even knowing
Thank you more than you can imagine.
Paul D. D'Ambrosio M.D.