How Intermittent Fasting Helped Boost My Self-Esteem

Article specially written for by Marian Gide

Wellness and self-care are words that are thrown around a lot these days. Many companies have now jumped on the trend, pushing their brand of health in hopes of helping people. Business Insider highlights the growing number of dietary trends and wellness-oriented startups that have been on the rise in recent years, which can only mean good things for people and their overall wellbeing. This is pretty great that people are starting to invest in their health, as it truly can lead to many benefits that affect our lives.And while you can probably look up a slew of different diets and health trends on the internet, this article will be a little different. While articles such as the one that Stephanie McGarrigle wrote have already discussed the health benefits of intermittent fasting, we'll be going a different route today. Read on to know more about how intermittent fasting, one of the most popular diets today, has changed my life for the better in more ways than just my physical health.

How Our Eating Habits Affect Us


One of the most important things I learned during my first week of intermittent fasting was that what we put in our bodies does matter.

 During my first week, I was eating like I used to before going on my fast. I wasn't eating the right food that would give me enough energy until my next meal, so I felt really burnt out and tired despite it being fairly early into my day. This is what made me realize that my diet wasn't going to cut it anymore. The food that I was eating was having real damaging effects on my body.

What was more surprising was the fact that it affected my mood as well. Apart from the hunger, I felt like the food I was eating was doing some real damage to my emotional state as well. So I did a little Googling and found the answer. Doctor Drew Ramsey from Columbia University points out that a poor diet is a major contributing factor to the epidemic of depression that has affected millions of Americans. I did a bit more digging and found that certain foods can thankfully combat this effect. Sara Angle of Parsley Health reveals that having a small serving of healthy carbs like quinoa, brown rice, or sweet potato for dinner can actually help regulate your body's blood sugar levels. This, in turn, lowers your cortisol levels (the stress hormone). This means less stress and less restless nights, which in the long term will translate to positive effects for your mental health. This hammers in the fact that we really have to be conscious of our eating habits

This was certainly true from my experience, as I felt much better after I cut out food that was terrible for my health and replaced it with more substantial food. Intermittent fasting became much easier when I wasn't eating pizza and chips or chugging soda. What I noticed was I not only felt better physically but also had a clearer mind, which led to an overall improvement of my self-esteem, as I was no longer clouded by negative thoughts.

Learned Other Life Lessons


Fasting also helped me live more consciously. I finally understood why fasting had such an important place in the realm of spirituality, why various religions have turned to fasting for some form of enlightenment.

While the fasts in intermittent fasting are quite short, the pangs of hunger that I felt during this time showed me how often I succumbed to self-indulgence. Abiding by the strict stipulations of the diet helped me practice self-control and discipline. Later on, I read in an article on the BBC that fasting was used to train the mind and strengthen one's resolve. With this newfound strength, I faced life differently. Through intermittent fasting, I learned how to live a more humble and disciplined life. This has made me a more self-assured individual, as hyper-awareness has helped me get over my insecurities.Overall, intermittent fasting helped me become a healthier and more conscious eater. This has led to unprecedented improvements in my health, as I've never felt better in my life. Intermittent fasting has made me feel like I'm fully in control of my choices, freeing myself from my urges and impulses. I now eat to nourish my body so I can do the things that I want to do in my life, such as running and climbing mountains. These changes have done wonders for my self-esteem and overall mental health, as I've learned that loving my body by treating it right is a step towards loving myself to the fullest.

While I urge everyone to try intermittent fasting, be sure to clear it with your nutritionist so you can go about this in the healthiest and safest way possible.