Low Carb Singapore 2020


Low Carb Singapore™ 2020 is an international conference organized by Cooking Inspired By Love, LLC for people in Singapore — and beyond — to learn the power of using real food to lose weight, reap anti-aging benefits, and ultimately, to reverse metabolic diseases such as diabetes, obesity (aka “diabesity”) and hypertension.

Singapore has one of the world’s highest diabetes-related leg amputations. One out of 9 people aged 18 to 69) has diabetes now. That’s about 11.3% of the population or more than 400,000 people! Diabetes is a chronic disease and, if not managed well, can deteriorate steadily to cause devastating complications such as limb amputations, blindness, nerve damage, kidney failure, and heart disease.

Get tickets here: http://www.eventbrite.com/affiliatereg?eid=47891284120&affid=354592949