Fasting Lane

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Have You Heard Of The Warrior Diet?

Recently we posted about a form of intermittent fasting commonly referred to as 16:8. The Warrior Diet is another form of intermittent fasting with a more narrow eating window—instead of an 8 hour eating window, "Warrior Dieters" use a 4 hour eating window.

It takes the name warrior from ancient warrior ancestors who battled/ trained during the day with little to no food, and feasted in the evening. And just like the name suggests, it's definitely a more intense form of intermittent fasting, as the very narrow eating window does mean that you are fasting for most of the day. 

If you're interested in extending your fasting window and want to learn more about how a 20:4 fast might work for you, check out the link below for a more in depth overview of what to expect. 

What Is The Warrior Diet And Can It Help You Lose Weight?