Eve at Low Carb Universe 2019
Eve wants to hang out with you! Come visit her at Low Carb Universe (LCU) 2019 in Mallorca, Spain.
Here’s what she will be speaking about:
Techniques for a Happy Life with Low Carb Eating and Intermittent Fasting
Eve Mayer of FastingLane.com struggled with obesity for 24 years. She felt ashamed and consumed by thoughts of food. In this 50 minute session, Eve will share her story and techniques on how eating low carb and intermittent fasting healed her body and restored her self confidence.
Eve is a successful entrepreneur and Author but she couldn't overcome the struggle with her weight until now. She will share:
-Why being overweight is not your fault
-How to overcome a lifetime of carb addiction
-How to let go of shame and accepted joy
-Why you deserve to feel good about yourself at any weight
-Tips for keeping busy while fasting
Getting Your Partner's BUY In On Your Low Carb or Fasting LifeStyle
Eve Mayer and Levi Sauerbrei will present this one hour workshop on techniques to garnering your partner's support for your healthy lifestyle. In this workshop, you'll hear this married couple speak honestly about the challenges they dealt with and overcame when Eve decided that low carb eating and intermittent fasting were going to be a lasting part of her life. This one hour workshop will give you tips and techniques on how to:
-Communicate your needs and ask for support from your partner
-Create eating and fasting plans that support both people in the relationship
-Troubleshooting lifestyle changes and how they affect others in the home (kids, roommates, relatives)
Buy your tickets here and shoot us an email to let us know we’ll see you there! Contact@fastinglane.com